
Alternative Games to Play on You Pool Table

Posted by Best Pool Tables for Sale ,Apr 8th 2022
Alternative Games to Play on You Pool Table

You don’t have to settle for a standard game of pool every time you use your pool table. In fact, there are several different types of games that you can play to bring more fun and enjoyment from this game room fixture. Try some of the following alternative games to play when you want to change up your pool routine.

One-Pocket Pool

Enhance the difficulty of your standard game of pool with one-pocket pool. This variation on the game requires each player to aim their shots into a single pocket they choose at the beginning. The first player to land eight balls into their chosen pocket wins. Younger players or beginners may get an advantage in this game by allowing them to shoot toward two or more pockets or to start with one or two points.

This version of pool is so popular that it has its own website, One Pocket. This site to bring together players, share rules, and increase visibility of this game.

Three Player Cut Throat Pool

Another version of pool is known as Cut Throat. In this three-player variation, each player has five numbers assigned to them from the 15 balls, 1 through 5, 6 through 10, and 11 through 15. Players take turns taking shots trying to hit their opponents’ balls into the pockets. The goal is to be the last person with their numbered balls on the table.

A Special Note on Bumper Pool and Using Your Pool Table for Table Tennis

Lastly, some sites will mention bumper pool or table tennis as alternative games for your pool table. While these options are possible, you cannot use a standard pool table for them. Bumper pool requires a smaller table with bumpers installed on the surface.

For playing table tennis on your pool table, you need a conversion top that protects the pool felt and creates a playing surface to safely bounce the table tennis balls off of. Luckily, you can find many pool tables with this conversion top included.

Get a Pool Table and Accessories to Play Alternative or Standard Games from Us at

We love helping homeowners to get great pool tables that will last and provide them with family fun for years. Look through our online pool table selection to find the perfect table to fit into whatever space you have available. From outdoor tables to full-sized tournament tables, our selection will be sure to have exactly what you want. You can also get accessories and more from our online store at
